Registration price: €30 (VAT included), registration includes lunch.
Access the Bilbao Ecodesign Meeting's web page here.
The Bilbao Ecodesign Meeting 2011 is aimed at the mangers entrusted with strategic decision-taking in their companies, interested in introducing ecodesign in the policies of their organisation to obtain competitive advantages. It is also aimed at technicians and designers of products and services.
Opening. Patxi López, President of the Basque Government.
Ecodesign and Competitiveness.Viola Groebner, Director Industrial Policy and Economic Analysis, Directorate General Enterprise and Industry, European Commission.
Eco-efficiency Programme in the Basque Company: a public-private partnership framework to boost Ecodesign in the Basque Country. Pilar Unzalu, Basque Government's Minister for the Environment, Land Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries.
Standardisation of the Ecodesign management systems: response to the demand of the SMEs. Cristina Alonsa, ISO TC 207 Committee for preparing the ISO 14006, Aenor.
Resources efficiency, Ecodesign and supply chain: the industrial perspective. Thomas Fischer, General Manager of the Environment, Health and Occupational Safety in Europe (ESAE), SONY Europe.
Environmental performance and Ecodesign: the path to competitiveness. Experiences of an SME. Jon Kepa Izaguirre, R&D&i Deirector and Head of Management Systems, A&B Laboratorios de Biotecnología S.A.
Coffee break.
Eco-design Classroom: training eco-design experts during ten years.Javier Muniozguren, Director of Engineering Projects Department at Technical Engineering High School of Bilbao.
Construction materials and ecodesign; a booming market.Alberto Coloma, Director of the Habitat Project for Spain, Portugal and Morocco. SAINT-GOBAIN.
Round table: Ecodesign and eco-innovations as responses to the new challenges and trends on international markets. Moderator: Fernando Barrenechea, General Manager, Ihobe S.A. - Environmental Management Company. Basque Government.
Conclusions and end of the session. Fernando Barrenechea, General Manager, Ihobe S.A. - Environmental Management Company. Basque Government.
Parallel sessions.The work sessions will be run parallel between 15.30 and 18.30 hours. The places for each sessions are limited and the following topics will be discussed:
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