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Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the applicable personal data protection legislation, we hereby inform you that the personal data contained in this request will be processed by Ihobe and added to the “Administration” and “Communication” processing activity, whose purposes are: the identification of the users who browse and interact with this website and the sending out of information on events, activities, conferences, programmes, projects and grants that the publicly-owned company convenes.
The legitimacy for the processing of the personal data is the consent of the data subject.
The data may occasionally be passed on to public authorities with competence in the field of the environment (such as the Basque Government’s Ministry for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment), to companies that supply services to IHOBE and when required by law.
The personal data will be kept for the necessary time to comply with the purpose for which they have been collected and to establish the possible liabilities that may arise from that purpose and from the processing of the data.
Please write to the person responsible for processing the data at lopd@ihobe.eus in order to request access to, rectification, deletion or limitation of the personal data or object to the processing, provided that the requirements established in the General Data Protection Regulation and in the Personal Data Protection Act 3/2018, of 5 December, are met.
You can find further detailed information on Personal Data Protection in the privacy policy section of our website.
Legal Notice © Ihobe S.A. Alameda Urquijo Nº36 - 6th floor, 48011 BILBAO
Telephone: 94 423 07 43 - Fax: 94 423 59 00 - Email: info@ihobe.eus - Web: www.ihobe.eus
The contents of www.ihobe.eus are subjected to a Creative Commons Attibution 3.0 Spain license, unless otherwise indicated.
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