The content of this website, texts, images, sounds, animations, etc, along with its graphic design and its source code are protected by Spanish legislation regarding the industrial and intellectual property rights of Ihobe. Its reproduction, distribution or public communication, whether totally or partially, is therefore forbidden without Ihobe’s express consent. Regarding the information published in the website’s content bank The information published in the Ihobe website contents bank is published and shared on Ihobe’s social media websites – YouTube, SlideShare, Twitter, Pinterest and SoundCloud – and is governed by a CREATIVE COMMONS LICENCE. Ihobe content by Ihobe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.
Web content and links Ihobe cannot be held responsible for the improper use of the content of our Website and that is the exclusive responsibility of the person accessing or using that content. Nor can it be held responsible for the information contained in the websites of third parties that you may access through links or search engines from this website.
Updating and modifying the website Ihobe reserves the right to modify or delete, without any prior notice, both the information on its website and its configuration and presentation, without assuming any responsibility in that regard.
This privacy policy describes how Ihobe-Sociedad Pública de Gestión Ambiental S.A. processes your personal data in accordance with current legislation and explains your rights pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
For which purpose do we process your personal data?IHOBE processes the information that the data subjects provide in order to:
What are the legal grounds for the data processing?The personal data are processed with the unambiguous consent of the data subject and pursuant to the legal obligations applicable to IHOBE:
We also process data in the performance of public functions.
To which recipient entities or companies will your data be disclosed?The data may occasionally be disclosed to:
What rights does the data subject have?You as the data subject are entitled to exercise your rights to:
How can I exercise my rights? You as the data subject may exercise your rights by sending an email with a copy of your ID document to the following address: You may likewise file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( if you do not agree how you have been treated with respect to your rights.
In compliance with article 22.2 of the Spanish Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Law 34/2002, of 11 July, this website informs you, in this section, of the cookie collection and processing policy.
A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and recover information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment, and depending on the information they contain and on the way your equipment is used, they can be used to recognise the user and make their experience more efficient.
This website uses different types of cookies. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this page. For all other types of cookies, such as preferences, statistics or marketing, we need your permission.Some cookies are installed by third-party services that appear on our pages.For more details about the different types there are, go to Cookies Details
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You can allow or block cookies, or delete the cookies installed on your device by configuring the browser installed on your computer. These actions are carried out in different ways depending on your browser. Below is a quick guide for the most popular browsers
However, you should know that if you do, this website may not be fully functional.Once all the information provided has been read, we warn the user that if they continue to browse our website without taking appropriate measures to personalise their browser in order to prevent the installation of the cookies it uses, under the terms established in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, according to its drafting given by RD 13/2012, of 30 March, they grant their consent for the use of the above-mentioned mechanisms.
Legal Notice © Ihobe S.A. Alameda Urquijo Nº36 - 6th floor, 48011 BILBAO
Telephone: 94 423 07 43 - Fax: 94 423 59 00 - Email: - Web:
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