Strategic catalyst for ecological transition Download The 2030 Environmental Framework Program of the Basque Country (hereinafter referred to as the 2030 EFP) represents the compass of the Basque Country's environmental policies until the end of the decade, and will set the course towards a more sustainable territory by 2030. It is a document that does not focus on the definition of a package of environmental objectives, since these are already perfectly defined. Its application is transversal, reaching a wide variety of areas of socioeconomic activity of the Basque territory.Its main value lies in being a great exercise of reflection and strategic definition that: Establishes the broad guidelines that must feed sector planning Contributes to its effective implementation through a series of driving levers The EFP 2030 establishes the following environmental view for the Basque Country in 2030: The Basque Country, a European region that has achieved a significant advance in sustainability in 2030, which places it on the path to achieving even more ambitious and transformative goals in 2050, which has already allowed it to position itself at the forefront of the European market.
The strategic challenges of EFP 2030 In order to achieve this view of the Basque Country 2030, six major priority challenges have been identified based on common principles of participatory, transparent and collaborative governance, of gender perspective, and training, generation and open knowledge dissemination.Challenge 1: POLICIES MAINSTREAMINGComprehensive approach to the environmental plans and objectives for 2030, interdependence and linkage with non-environmental areas. Challenge 2: HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTIncorporation into the Basque environmental policy of new vectors that constitute clear health risks, deepening into the significance of environmental health. Challenge 3: COMPETITIVE SUSTAINABILITYTransformation of the productive system, reorientation of innovation in terms of sustainability and configuration of competitive economic sectors with a high environmental commitment. Challenge 4: CONSCIOUS CONSUMPTIONS MODELConsumption model with sustainability criteria, ensuring its interrelation with the production model. Challenge 5: SUSTAINABLE FINANCINGExpansion of investments and reorientation of the Basque financial sector to give support to sustainable companies and projects. Challenge 6: ADVANCED MONITORING AND MANAGEMENTDecision-making based on solid indicators, monitoring the evolution of environmental variables and compliance of objectives in a participatory and transparent manner
A participatory process with experts and citizen involvement Download The process of defining the 2030 Environmental Framework Program of the Basque Country has allowed a comprehensive design that covers the entire spectrum of social, economic and business activity. It has been performed in two phases: PHASE 1: CO-CREATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Based on situation analysis, environmental challenges were established for the year 2030, which were subjected to a participatory process, with the involvement of experts from all areas of Basque society. Six working groups were created, one for each challenge associated with the program, to determine the transformative projects that will respond to these strategic challenges. PHASE 2. EFP CITIZEN CONTRAST 2030 The draft of the program developed based on the work performed by the expert groups was made available to citizens. This work of contrast has consisted of offering the document through the Irekia website in order to encourage a public debate. The contributions performed have allowed to draw some conclusions that have enriched the final document. At a later stage, the proposal for transformative projects has been completed and verified by a representation of the different experts involved in its implementation, for its final configuration and presentation to the Governing Board, giving rise to the formal approval of the EFP 2030 document.
Sustainability at the heart of international, European and Basque policies Download With the creation in 2020 of the General Secretariat for Social Transition and 2030 Agenda, the Basque Government took as its own the priorities and objectives of sustainable development of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and a year later developed the Basque program of priorities of the Agenda 2030 with the vision of contributing to build a culture of social agreement of collaboration, a team culture. A social contract of ethical substratum, understood as a widely shared projection of principles, values and challenges useful to the objective of overcoming the current context of crisis with a more cohesive and fair society. Parallel to this great transversal strategic commitment towards sustainability in all its aspects, and following the example of the European Union, in 2021 the Basque Government also proposed its own roadmap to achieve a more environmentally sustainable future, the Basque Green Pact. This road map includes the objectives of reduction of emissions and generation of renewable energy, but is not limited to those areas, since it was born as an economic model with industry and technology as main levers, so that science, technology, circular economy, industry, energy transition or the food chain itself are aligned with the same purpose: fair and sustainable development. In this context, the EFP 2030 is proposed as platform for a new stage with a new ambition leap in which the concept of sustainability must be integrated into all public policies and strategies and dynamics of companies and of the Basque society.