Education for Sustainable Development Strategy of the Basque Country 2030Preparing this strategy is one of the mainstays of the IV Environmental Framework Programme 2020 of the Basque Country that aims to foster education and awareness raising for the sustainable development of the Basque Country overall. One of its actions embraces the need to prepare the Environmental Education for Sustainable Development Strategy.The main objective of this strategy is to include teaching and learning of the fundamental aspects and themes of sustainable development and foster participative teaching and learning methods that motivate the students and ensure their autonomy, in order to change their behaviour and facilitate the adoption of measures to lead to sustainable development. The strategy, which has a budget of EUR 4,161,000 allocated up to 2030, will be implemented by means of three plans of action: Plan of Action 2020, Plan of Action 2025 and Plan of Action 2030. The first of those implementation periods of the Education for Sustainable Development Strategy will run until 2020. Therefore, this section envisages a set of actions on that timeline which will be the first steps towards the Vision, Mission and Lines of Action established up until 2030. A total of 4 Goals have been proposed which are the priority areas of action for the Education for Sustainable Development Strategy of the Basque Country 2030.
GoalsGOAL 1: EDUCATION FOR ACTION GOAL 2: STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF EDUCATORS, TRAINERS AND OTHER AGENTS OF CHANGE GOAL 3: TRAINING AND EMPOWERING YOUNG PEOPLE GOAL 4. PROMOTION CITIES AND TOWNS AS EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Those priority areas are also in line with the priority areas of action of the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development and include the proposals of the different stakeholders consulted in the participation process associated to the preparing of the strategy.. These 4 goals have led to 9 lines of action that define the position that the Basque Country wishes to have in 2030 and which are aspirational for the future. In turn, those lines will lead to the deployment of 27 specific actions that will set the course to 2020, so that coherence and coordination is guaranteed in the planning of Education for Sustainable Development on that timeline. These actions have been considered as priority for 2020 after identifying the most important aspects and needs pinpointed in the Diagnosis and Participation Process.
Lines of actionGoal 1 Lines of Action Foster the role of Education for Sustainable Development innovators and driving forces in the different education fields.Promote integrating and innovating methodologies aimed at learning for action.Facilitate collaborative networking of the stakeholders that work in Education for Sustainable Development. Goal 2 Lines of Action Train educators to be change and learning facilitators.Train agents of change in sectors other than education. Goal 3 Lines of Action Showcase the role of the university and vocational training centres as youth empowerment platforms as regards sustainable development.Foster sustainability training and learning through action. Goal 4 Lines of Action Reinforce and showcase the coordination between the Local Agenda 21 and School Agenda 21.Drive and energise the Education for Sustainable Development activities promoted and implemented by local stakeholders.
The network of environmental centres, known as “Ekoetxea”, which are managed by Ihobe, is one of the key instruments to raise awareness among Basque society of the value of sustainability. They are the Ekoetxea Azpeitia and Txingudi in Gipuzkoa, and Urdaibai and Peñas Negras in Bizkaia. From the field of non-formal education, these Ekotexea offer experiences that help people to discover and enjoy the natural environment, to understand its value and to commit to its care. Though the connection with the natural environment, the work of the teams of environmental education specialists working at those centres helps the visitors to understand that quality of life and the quality of the natural environment go hand in hand, and that how the natural heritage is use defines and conditions the future of society. Interesting factsEvery year, the Ekoetxea are visited by 90 thousand people, over 20 thousand of whom are schoolchildren. They run participation programmes that include: guided visits to the natural area, observing species and ecosystems, awareness-raising and educational workshops, conferences, lecturers, seminars and exhibitions. Environmental topics showcased in the centres: atmosphere and climate change, circular economy, water, biodiversity, demographics, cities and mobility, energy and transport, noise, consumption and waste, environmental development.These environmental facilities of the Basque Government run many activities aimed at different target audiences, including family, students and professionals, with awareness-raising actions, school programmes or natural environment interpretation activities, which seek to further its commitment to sustainability.
Ekoetxea Urdaibai The Ekoetxea Urdaibaicentre is located at the heart of the Urdabai Biosphere Reserve, in the Busturia municipal district, and one of the areas of the Basque Country with the largest number of ecosystems. Its fundamental aim is to foster the dissemination of nature and biodiversity, along with showcasing and highlighting the benefits provided by biodiversity and warning about the impact of species extinction. This centre has a permanent exhibition area, space for temporary exhibitions, along with an observatory looking out over the salt marsh. This ekoetxea is also home to the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve Interpretation Centre, a permanent exhibition to drive awareness-raising, training and environmental research. The main Ekoetxea Urdaibai activities include: Cetáceos a las 10 whale & dolphin watching trips: Guided boat trips to watch and hear the sounds of these marine mammals. Guided tour of the salt marsh _________________________More information and booking: Crta. Bermeo-Gernika Bº San Bartolomé,34 48350 Busturia Bizkaia946 870
Ekoetxea Azpeitia Ekoetxea Azpeitia is near to the gardens of the Basilica of Loyola and it aims to showcase and enhance the natural resource, along with awareness raising and educating the general public about respecting the environment. The centre currently consists of twelve thematic areas which are distributed into four rooms that provide information on four thematic blocks: Air, Climate Change and Water; Biodiversity; Demographics, cities, bioclimatic architecture, sustainable urban planning, energy and noise; Waste, consumption and sustainable development. Ekoetxea Azpeitia is also home to the Xaguxatar urban natural park, spread over 1,800 m² and 6 sections with interactive and entertaining information on the habits, characteristics and habitats of bats. _______________More information and booking: Loiola auzoa 1 20730Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa)943 812
Ekoetxea Meatzaldea -Peñas Negras The Ekotxea Meatzaldea-Peñas Negras, centre, located in the heart of Bizkaia’s mining area, in Ortuella, is an ideal spot to appreciate how the environment can be transformed as the result of human action. This ekoetxea has an exhibition area, a recreational area and an observatory terrace. Its activities programme includes: Guided routes: These routes aim to show case the heritage, historical and natural values of the mining area. In total, there are 4 types of routes: mountain, potholing, bird watching and botanical Volunteer programme: The Work Camp is an alternative way of spending free time for young people aged 19 to 26 who want to help enhance and improve the local natural area.
Ekoetxea Txingudi Located at the entrance to the Plaiaundi Ecological Park (Irún), this centre provides information on the Bay of Txingudi and the different natural areas nearby. The centre offers these among other activities: Plaiaundi self-guided routes: This route has information panels to enjoy the natural area along the 2 km path, with 5 bird observatories and 2 lookout towers. Txingudi salt marshes: Guided routes through Plaiaundi or Jaitzubia where the visitors can discover the different salt marsh ecosystems and observe its fauna. International Migratory Bird Day: The social participation sessions include organising different activities for key dates, such as the International Migratory Bird Day, which is held on the first weekend of October every year.
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