Municipal Solid Waste of the Basque Country Inventory Municipal Solid Waste of the Basque Country Inventory This document provides the necessary information to rewrite the history of the evolution of the generation and management of waste in the BAC. This information is necessary to plan waste management, as well as to better adapt to the policies defined in the European Union. The inventories are available for perusal on the website of the Basque Government's Ministry of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment. Municipal Solid Waste of the Basque Country Inventory Hazardous Waste Inventory of the BACIn addition of the amount of hazardous waste generated, this annual inventory contains comprehensive information relating to the treatment or fate of the inventoried waste, along with its imports and exports to and from the BAC. The inventories are available for perusal on the website of the Basque Government's Ministry of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment.Hazardous Waste Inventory of the BAC
Waste and the Circular Economy Download (spanish)The "Closing the loop - An EU action plan for the Circular Economy" communication, approved by the European Commission in December 2015, and as a preliminary step of the first Action Plan for a circular economy in Europe, identified several fundamental lines of action: Product design. Efficient production process. Consumption. Waste management, with priority being given to plastics, food waste, critical raw materials, construction & demolition waste and biomass/bioproducts. Secondary raw materials market. Furthermore, and reflecting this approach, the Circular Economy Action Plan prepared by the European Commission in 2020 (it is one of the main aspects of the European Green Deal) defines guaranteeing the generation of less waste as one of its fundamental goals, along with increasing the circularity potential of resources. Advanced waste management is therefore a mainstay within the circular economy concepts. In recent years, the Basque Country has addressed numerous initiatives to foster ecodesign, ecoefficiency and responsible consumption, but has detected a margin for improvement in the contribution of waste management and the secondary raw materials market to a new Basque circular economy model. Further information on the CIRCULAR ECONOMY
2030 Basque Waste Prevention and Management Plan (PPGR 2030)In November 2021, the Basque Government approved the 2030 Waste Prevention and Management Plan of the Basque Country, which set out the strategy to be followed by the Basque Country during the coming decade. The goals set by the plan for 2030 are to: Cut the total waste generation rate by 30% Increase the separate collection of municipal waste up to 85% Reuse 85% of non-hazardous waste by turning it into secondary materials Reduce the waste ending up in landfill by at least 15%. The implementation of the 2030 Waste Prevention and Management Plan of the Basque Country will involve an investment of €97 million in numerous actions that will be aimed at achieving the circularity of materials, i.e., so that they can be used to manufacture new products; climate change mitigation; transparency and traceability in waste management. The future measures studied included grants for companies to increase recycling, a charge to discourage the use of landfill, and increasing and improving environmental inspections and oversight. Download (spanish)
The plan defines 10 key measures to achieve the envisaged results. They are set out below in order of priority in terms of impact on results: Investment plan and roadmap to support the priority investments to minimise landfill and give impetus to circularity Guaranteeing the landfill self-sufficiency of the BAC by 2030, in parallel to minimising landfill and the appropriate closure of the existing ones Waste legislative developments Tax on landfill and incineration of waste and extracting aggregates Increasing the resources of the administration to ensure the implementation of the PPGR 2030 Private-public comprehensive solutions for the interim storage, adaptation and quality control of aggregates, soils and other secondary raw materials Support for definitive solutions for plastic waste and avoiding it ending up in landfill Fostering green private and public procurement by means of the new 2030 Green Procurement Programme of the Basque Country Measures to foster high quality reuse and recycling, including assessment from an economic, social and environmental perspective of deposit and return systems (DRS), and deployment as necessary Asbestos removal plan (collection and management of structural fibre cement) by the public working with the provincial councils and Osalan
What is the European Week for Waste Reduction?The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), which started out as a LIFE project, is the largest campaign to create awareness about reducing waste in Europe. Driven by regional and local public authorities, we bring together all stakeholders (citizens, schools, companies, NGOs, associations, etc.) that organise activities to raise awareness about reducing waste. The European Week for Waste Reduction has become a benchmark to disseminate and showcase the actions implemented to reduce waste throughout Europe. The goals of the European Week for Waste Reduction are to: Raise awareness about waste reduction, the reuse of products and the material recycling strategies, and the related policies of the European Union and the Member States Highlight the work by participants Mobilise and encourage European citizens to focus on the key action themes And strengthen the capacities of stakeholders by providing them with specific communication and training The Week is organised in the BAC by the Municipal Waste Coordinating Body (OCRU) of the Basque Autonomous Community, made up of the Basque Government's Ministry of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, along with the Environment Departments of the three Provincial Councils. The OCRU offers stakeholders a support service to facilitate the registration process as far as possible. The stakeholders only have to facilitate a small description of their action. The OCRU carries out the other formalities. The best entries are selected and recognised from among all those submitted in the BAC. In addition to that recognition, the OCRU then puts forward the managers of the selected projects to the EU organisers as entries for the European award. Further information
The 3 Rs The actions carried out under the European Week for Waste Reduction address the 3Rs: Reducing waste, Reusing products, and Recycling materials – in this order. Reduce:Ask yourselves whether you really need the goods you are about to buy before buying them. That also goes for the packaging in which some products come as well. Can you perhaps repurpose things or borrow from a friend or fix broken objects or share a neighbour’s tools? If the answer is yes, then you can –and should– REDUCE. Reuse:Swap single-use items for reusable ones in every area of your life! That’s the case not only for plastic, but for all other single-use items and products! Convince your employer, classmates, family, friends, or neighbours to do the same! Recycle:Is better than landfilling, but it’s not our preferred option. If you need to recycle something, it means that you’re already generating waste. If you’re serious about reusing and reducing, recycling should only constitute a small part of your efforts.
Environmental education, Soils, Wastes Save 30/05/2024 Environmental education, Soils, Wastes Ihobe joins World Environment Day with a big litter picking event in the Ekoetxea Network natural spaces Ihobe, the Basque Government's Public Environmental Management Company, joins World Environment Day celebrations with a big litter picking event in the natural spaces of the Ekoetxea Network of Environmental Centres in the Basque Country.
Circular Economy, Local Sustainability, Wastes Save Circular Economy, Local Sustainability, Wastes Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council and the Alboan Foundation to be finalists in the European Waste Prevention Awards 22/04/2024
Circular Economy, Wastes Save Circular Economy, Wastes Axular Lizeoa, Alboan, Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council and Bizislow to represent the Basque Country at the 2023 European Week for Waste Reduction Awards 24/11/2023
Circular Economy, Wastes Save Circular Economy, Wastes The European Week for Waste Prevention rewards St. George’s School from Biscay for its project to reduce noise by recycling textile materials 01/06/2023
Local Sustainability, Wastes Save Local Sustainability, Wastes St. George’s School, from Biscay, is competing for a European award for its project to reduce noise in the school by recycling textile materials 11/05/2023