The most pressing environmental challengeClimate change is one of the most pressing environmental challenges that all the nations of the planet have to face. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has pointed out that the global warming of the atmosphere registered since the middle of the 20th century has been caused by human activity. In the last 150 years, the global temperature has risen approximately 0.8 ºC and it is foreseen that it will continue to do so. There changes in the climate are having direct consequences in sectors such as farming, forestry, energy production, tourism and infrastructures in general One of the most vulnerable regions to the direct impacts of climate change is southern Europe, which is experiencing rises in temperature, floods or droughts.In the Basque Country, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions), causing climate change, rose 1% in 2015 compared to the previous year. In relation to 2005, the emissions fell by 25% and were slightly under the path set to achieve the targets of the Basque Climate Change Strategy - KLIMA2050, which establishes a reduction target of 40% for 2030.
BASQUE CLIMATE CHANGE WEEKThe main purpose of ASTEKLIMA (Basque Climate Change Week) is to engage the public to commit personally to fighting climate change. The event is promoted by the Environment Department under the premise that “every action counts, however small it may be”. It brings together dozens of actions of all types (talks, seminars, workshops, technical visits, storytelling, exhibitions, film cycles) organised by public administrations and private companies. They are all intended to bring the fight against climate change closer to people’s day-to-day lives through individual commitment. ASTEKLIMA 2019 The first Basque Climate Change Week took place in 2019 and involved over 6500 people at 16 events in 47 municipalities in the Basque Autonomous Community.ASTEKLIMA website
International Conference on Climate Change "Change the Change" Euskadi will host the International Conference on Climate Change "Change the Change", which will take place on 6, 7 and 8 March 2019 in San Sebastián. The event, which aims to bring together 600 participants from the fields of business, local administration, universities, technology centers, research centers, NGOs and social organizations, aims to lead the debate on climate change with top-level speakers and open new opportunities for action in our environment. The conference is organized by the Department of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government, with the collaboration of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition of the Government of Spain; the Department of Environment and Hydraulic Works of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa; and the City of Donostia / San Sebastián. Furthermore, on each of the days, the thematic panels will be complemented with a "heroes and heroines of the planet" special session. These people are running innovative initiatives and projects for climate change action and awareness in different fields and at different points around the world. The aim is to shift the theoretical climate change debate to real projects that are proving to be successful. Precisely, the Conference is being held during the Basque Country's Climate Change Week in order to stress that climate change concerns us all. During the first week of March 2009, a wide range of activities with something for everyone will be organised at different places throughout the Basque Country. Sectors such as industry, science, politics and culture will be invited to take part by means of micro-encounters, presentation of innovative projects, exhibitions and other parallel acts. The aim is to rally the public to make a personal commitment to fight climate change, on the premise that any action, however small, makes a difference. Eight thematic panels Coming under the UN “Momentum for Change” initiative and in line with the Paris Agreement, the Change the Change International Climate Change Conference will provide a cutting-edge vision of the climate change challenges facing the planet and will showcase the initiatives and actions that are making a difference to our environment. The 8 panels at the Change the Change Conference will address the following areas: The planet’s health: science for action. This panel wishes to consider the scientific approach to climate change, pinpoint challenges and how to focus the responses, convinced that knowledge is what is driving the action to such a global challenge. Regional setting. This panel will showcase the experiences of the regions particularly committed to fighting climate change and how they are facing the main challenges in their territories. Cities. This panel will be the showcase for experiences and measures that are already being adopted in the cities, climate action from the local level and the view of what should be the course and priorities of these actions. Sustainability. This panel will analyse the international progress in sustainability policies, the application of the 2030 Agenda, their involvement with climate change and the future challenges facing us. Energy transition. The major point of discussion is currently the transition of the current energy model based on fossil fuels towards a sustainable economy based on renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable development. A new energy model has to be developed in accordance with the needs of the citizens, of companies and the environment. And this all must take place with maximum integration in the European market. This panel will considered the different aspects involved in achieving a fair energy transition. The economy. How to face this global economic challenge from financial and banking system or from the insurance sector will be some of the topics discussed on this panel Education, culture and society. Social transformations that have to occur as the result of climate change and how to address them are the focal point of this panel. Leadership of women. This panel, made up entirely of women, will showcase accounts and experiences of women that are helping to truly transform the perspective from which the problems of climate change are being addressed. International Conference on Climate Change "Change the Change" 2019 official web
KLIMATEK Adaptation to Climate Change projects Download The Basque Government, through its Environmental Office, economically supports R&D, innovation and demonstration projects regarding adaptation to climate change through the "KLIMATEK I+B+G” grant call. These grants are aimed at any legal entity considered to be a member of the Basque Technology Network, as well as private entities involved in service, provision commercial or industrial activities. The proposals entered in each call for applications for grants must define replicable methodologies with pilot application, to generate maps or other products for common use by all the stakeholders of the Basque Country, or the identification and selection of test beds for the medium-term monitoring of the effects of climate change, in order to define measures, criteria and performance conditions. When assessing the proposals, their innovative nature as regards adaptation to climate change, the work methodology and suitability of resources and being oriented towards tangible, practical and replicable results and the relevance of the project in relation to the objectives of the Basque Climate Change Strategy - KLIMA 2050 are taken into account.
Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory In its 2007 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change identified mountain regions as being particularly sensitive areas to climate change. The Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP), to which the Basque Country belongs, set up the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) with the following objectives: Pool existing knowledge of the impact of climate change in the Pyrenees and identify the new knowledge to be capitalized.Analyse the vulnerability of natural environments to climate change and study its socio-economic impact, particularly on the local population. Prepare recommendations and operation advice for a better adaptation of economic activities and natural environments by promoting the harmonious development of the mountains and its population. Disseminate the work of the OPCC in society and among the socio-economic stakeholders Contribute to developing European and international visibility of the Pyrenees regarding observation and adaption to climate change and support the Observatory’s European Network Ihobe is one of the 11 partners of the OPCC project in the framework of the European POCTEFA programme, the territorial cooperation programme between Spain, France and Andorra. The OPCC-POCTEFA project is currently based around five major actions: climate, water, biodiversity, forests and natural risks. Ihobe leads the project and coordinates the Spanish part of the action in biodiversity.
Climate Change Strategy of the Basque Country - KLIMA2050The action of the Basque Country against climate change addresses two fundamental areas, mitigation and adaptation. The Climate Change Strategy of the Basque Country - KLIMA2050 approaches the environmental challenge of climate change from an overall view where all sectoral policies must integrate the climate change variable. This integral approach means that the courses of action by the different ministries of the Basque Government will be implemented at local and regional level in all sectors of activity. All the actions envisaged in the framework of the strategy are in keeping with EU endeavours and horizons in this area. The strategy sets 9 goals which include: Commitment to a low-carbon energy model Zero emission transport Increased efficiency and resilience of the territory and of the natural environment Driving innovation Improving and transferring knowledge. A total of 24 lines of actions in the industry, transport, energy and waste sectors, among others, to meet the goals. The application of this strategy will ensure that the Basque Country cuts its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, with respect to 2005 emissions. Furthermore, and thanks to the development of renewable energies and the spread of energy efficiency technologies, the energy and industrial sectors are expected to reach reductions of 50%. Furthermore, 40% renewable energy consumption out of the final consumption is expected to be reached by 2050. Download
KLIMA2050 Goals and Lines of ActionGoal 1. Committing to a low-carbon energy model Lines of action: Improving energy efficiency and managing energy demand. Giving impetus to renewable energies. Fostering energy efficiency criteria and renewable energies in the urban environment towards "zero-emissions building" Goal 2. Moving towards zero-emissions transport Lines of action: Fostering intermodality and means of transport with lower GHG emissionsReplacing the use of oil derivatives. Integrating vulnerability criteria and adaptation criteria into transport infrastructures. Goal 3. Increasing the efficiency and resilience of the territory Lines of action: Driving an urban structure that is resilient to climate change, compact and with a mix of uses.Integrating vulnerability analysis and adaptation to climate change in the territorial strategy. Goal 4. Making the natural environment more resilient Lines of action: Fostering the multifunctionality of ecosystems as regulators of geological and biological processes.Integrating the climate change variable in the management of coastal zones. Goal 5. Making the primary sector more resilient and cutting its emissions Lines of action: Fostering local, organic and integrated agricultural production and with lower GHG emissionsIncreasing the potential of the Basque Country as a carbon sink. Adapting the practices and managing the primary sector to the new climate conditions Goal 6. Reducing the amount of municipal solid waste generated and zero untreated waste dumping Lines of action: Reducing the generation of municipal solid waste.Increasing the selective collection and sorting ratios and their subsequent reuse, recycling and recovery. Goal 7. Anticipating the risks Lines of action: Guaranteeing the long-term water supply for different uses.Ensuring the resilience of the built environment and of the critical infrastructures (energy, water, food, health and ICTs) to extreme events. Goal 8. Driving innovation, improvement and knowledge transfer Lines of action: Promoting innovation, improving and transferring scientific knowledge.Implementing a system to monitor and follow the effects of climate change. Goal 9. Exemplary and responsible Basque public administration and which is a benchmark in climate change Lines of action: Organising training measures to acquire skills and expertise regarding climate change.Awareness-raising, training and informing the general public about climate change. Zero emissions public administration. Consolidating inter-institutional coordination mechanisms for climate action. Positioning the Basque Country on the international stage regarding climate change
Climate change, Ecoefficient industry Save 06/02/2025 Climate change, Ecoefficient industry The European Commission recognise the Basque List of Clean Technologies as an example to be followed in the circular economy The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Social and Economic Committee, has highlighted the Basque List of Clean Technologies as a best practice to drive the circular economy and contribute to the goals of the European Green Deal.
Climate change Save Climate change The new Pierre Loti bike and pedestrian route in Irun boosts cross-border sustainable mobility 03/02/2025
Climate change Save Climate change The Basque Country to take part in a new European LIFE project to speed up the energy and climate transition through local authorities 17/01/2025
Climate change Save Climate change Aiarako Kuadrilla, Getxo and Hernani take the prize for the best Local Authorities Initiative of the Basque Country in the ASTEKLIMA 2024 Awards 29/11/2024
Climate change Save Climate change The whole of the Pyrenees, including the Basque Country, is embarking on a large cross-border project to prepare the territory for climate change 30/10/2024
The LIFE Integrated Urban Klima 2050 project is the Basque Country's most significant climate action initiative for the coming years. Approved by the European Union within the area of LIFE Integrated projects on mitigation and adaptation to climate change, its main objective is to deploy the Basque Country's Climate Change Strategy 2050 (KLIMA 2050) on an urban scale. It is transforming the Basque Region with 40 actions, and the project is suited to replication in other areas of the Basque Country and the European Union. It is led by Ihobe, the publicly-owned company environmental management company within the Basque Government's Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, and is made up of 20 organisations and entities. A six-year plan until 2025. €19.8 million investment 20 partner entities. 40 concrete actions. Download the information file for LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050
The LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project brings together 20 organisations working in coordination.Ihobe is responsible for following up the Basque Country's Climate Change Strategy (KLIMA 2050) and for fostering coordination between agents and administrations for its deployment. This public company manages and coordinates the project and acts as facilitator for most of its actions. The Basque Government's Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment – through the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve Service and the Directorate of Ports and Maritime Affairs – and the Health Department will responsible within the Basque Government for mobilising the different agents to complete their corresponding actions under the project. The commitment of the Provincial Councils of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa is essential for implementing climate change policies. Seven municipalities in the Basque Country (Bakio, Bermeo, Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastian, Gernika-Lumo, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Zarautz) are working to implement climate change actions in their areas. The Regional energy and water agencies - Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE) and Agencia Vasca del Agua (URA) - are involved in several actions related to their fields of action. Five technology and research centres (Azti, BC3, Neiker, Tecnalia and Tecnun) provide technological support to the projects, and helping to disseminate the results through conferences, publications, etc. Naturklima, the Gipuzkoa Climate Change Foundation, implements actions, promotes and educates on climate change in the territory of Gipuzkoa.